1st International Workshop on Oritatami (Oritatami 2017) – A new frontier in molecular self-assembly
Organized by Shinnosuke Seki (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
June 5-9, 2017 — Fayetteville, AR, USA (co-located with UCNC 2017)
RNA cotranscriptional folding refers to a phenomenon in which an RNA transcript folds upon itself while it is being synthesized. A recent experiment has demonstrated its biotechnological application to self-assembly of nanoscale rectangular tiles composed of RNA. The Oritatami model is a mathematical model proposed in 2016 to study computational aspects of RNA cotranscriptional folding. This workshop offers the first international opportunity for researchers and practitioners from different fields to exchange ideas and discuss research directions on Oritatami.
Cody Geary (Caltech/Aarhus University)
Nicolas Schabanel (CNRS, U. Paris Diderot (IRIF), & ENS Lyon (IXXI))